
Our Motto is Serve God And Serve People with Pure Hearts.

Samuel Gundu is a Church Pastor he leads Church Fellowship and he Impressed to Serve people the Word of God from The Bible.(‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Firstly,Pastor Samuel Gundu has established Helping Hand Ministries society (Reg240/2010)they have conducted so many Social activities under the society like helping poor and Orphan Children ministry Church ministry programs Etc....But Time is turned in 2014 when Pastor Samuel Gundu daughter Deena Went to be with Lord at the age of her 7 years old due of Sickness liver deceased.they are mentally disturbed in life with heart broken situation.

Then they have decided to Serve People in better way with pure hearts who are need and problems.Deena Foundation Charitable Trust will work to depend on God and Works as per Scriptures from the Bible verses.

Pastor Samuel Gundu and his wife Rebcca Samuel are committed Together to serve God and Serve People with their Pure Hearts.God has blessed them with Son his name is Dhanush Samuel.you can remember them in your prayers about them

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others

Deena Foundation Charitable Trust will serve people with Pure Hearts who committed to help to our Trust activities.and Our Trust members will follow the Government rules to be Accountability regularly.